Formed in 2008 at the behest of key business entities, including the Oregon Business Council, Associated Oregon Industries, Oregon Business Association, and Coalition of Oregon Health Care Purchasers, the Oregon Health Leadership Council (OHLC) addresses the imperative to mitigate the acceleration of healthcare costs and premiums. Presently, the council comprises leaders from hospital systems, medical groups, health plans, the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, the Oregon Medical Association, and the Oregon Primary Care Association. OHLC’s current focus areas are: Advance interventions and initiatives to reduce healthcare costs, foster a thriving workforce, and promote whole-person care.
As part of OHLC’s updated strategic focus, see our 2024 Impact Report showcasing our progress across our key initiatives and collaborative efforts.
Community Impact
OHLC accomplishments have included advancing clinical best practice through guidance and recommendations to address low value care, substance use disorder and opioid prescribing, and supporting the move toward telehealth. OHLC has also partnered to advance statewide adoption and spread of health technology solutions to reduce avoidable emergency department utilization and hospital readmissions, prescriber access to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), and referral platforms to connect health care and social services organizations. Additional OHLC achievements include:
Cost Initiatives
- The Value-based Payment (VBP) Compact, jointly sponsored by the Oregon Health Authority and the OHLC, has 63 signatories committed to advancing payment reform, covering 73 percent of the people in Oregon.
- Efforts to identify and reduce unnecessary medical services, including detailing over $520 million spent on low-value care from 2016-2018
Clinical Best Practice
- Convene statewide clinical leaders to develop recommendations to advance best practice care
- Developed substance use disorder (SUD) recommendations for opioid prescribing, and alcohol and opioid use disorder treatment
- Developed guidance for effective use of telehealth for primary care and behavioral health providers
Statewide Adoption & Support of Health Technology Solutions
- PointClickCare Network (includes EDIE/Collective Platform) used by all Oregon hospitals and nearly a thousand health care entities to share admit, discharge, and care coordination information, supporting efforts to reduce emergency department (ED) utilization among frequent utilizers and for avoidable ED visits.
- Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Integration into EHRs – active in over a thousand health care facilities, utilized in over 80% of PDMP queries
- Connect Oregon social health referral platform – live in all 36 counties of Oregon county with over a thousand partners sending and receiving referrals with community-based organizations to address social needs
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Membership includes Oregon-based medical groups, hospitals, health systems, health plans, or approved associations.
Learn more about the team behind OHLC.
OHLC and key partners collaborate seamlessly, driving initiatives forward to enhance healthcare.
OHLC’s impactful journey unfolds through a timeline of initiatives and successes, showcasing our commitment to advancing healthcare.